James came through with his analysis for the Preakness. It is hot off the press!
At approximately 6:50PM, on Saturday 18th May, the 144th running of the Preakness States, race #13, will take place at Pimlico Race Course in Baltimore Maryland. If we look at the Astrological Chart for the race we have the moon at 28 degrees of Scorpio coming off an exact opposition to the Sun at 27 degrees of Taurus. On race day there will be four planets in Taurus; Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Venus. Surprisingly, with most horses having foal dates in the spring, there are only two Taurus horses in the race. That being Bodexpress and Laughing Fox.
So, if you want to bet a Taurus horse for race day then take Bodexpress - born April 23rd, 2016. This horse’s natal Sun is at 3 degrees of Taurus. Transiting Uranus and Venus will make an exact conjunction to his Natal Sun. Is that enough for this horse to win? Probably not, so let’s keep looking…
Before I continue, many of you that have followed my predications over the last year for the last four Triple Crown Grade 1 Stakes races have noticed that my predictions have been far from accurate. I think Astrology has a lot to tell about each horse race and I feel that Astrology can predict the winner. A lot has to do with how the charts are analyzed and how strong the effects of the planets are on that day to the horse, jockey and trainer.
Sometimes it is very clear but most of the time it is just extremely difficult to figure out. This year for the Preakness there are several horses that have some transiting Astrological aspects. I will let you know these horses, their foal date and the transiting aspects. You can make your own decision and I will let you know what horse I have selected.
We have already mentioned Bodexpress with transiting Uranus/Venus conjunct his natal Sun. Improbable – born Feb 11th, 2016. This horse will probably be the racetime favorite, so he should not be overlooked, especially since the horse will have several nice aspects. The transiting Sun/Moon opposition at racetime will make a trine/sextile to his natal Mercury at 27 degrees of Capricorn. Transiting retrograde Saturn will be exactly sextile his natal Mars and transiting retrograde Jupiter will be exactly sextile his natal Sun.
There are two horses born on April 17th 2016 that both have excellent aspects for raceday. War of Will and Anothertwistafate. They will both have transiting Saturn trine Mercury and with transiting Mars just moving into Cancer, Mars will make sextile their progressed Sun. Both are good solid contenders in this race.
The horse that I am going to wager on and to me has the most favorable aspects is WinWinWin, the number 13 horse. Born March 20th 2016. The transiting Mars moving into cancer makes a square to this horse’s natal Mercury/Sun conjunction at 29 degrees Pisces/1 degree Aries. He was born with a nice Mars trine to this conjunction, but what really helps this configuration is the transiting Sun/Moon opposition that we have previously mentioned, well the moon will make a trine to his Mercury and the Sun will be in orb making a sextile. To me this is all triggered at the time of the race and the horse being an Aries, born with a Mars trine Sun, will have the necessary energy to Win Win Win !!!
Lucky Star continues:
Today’s second race of what would have been the Triple Crown had the winner Country Home continued on may see just as much controversy as the Kentucky Derby! The Derby was confused by a New Moon in Taurus near Shocking Uranus. The Preakness may also be complicated, this time by a Full Moon in Scorpio in the sign opposite Taurus and by Venus, the Ruler of Taurus, conjoining Shocking Uranus for a Potential Shocker!
The horse I am favoring is Bodexpress, a Taurus horse whose Moon will be conjoining the Full Moon in Scorpio! This should either give him Energy Like a Rocket or else Stop Him in His Tracks. I will take him for the Win!!
The other horses I like are Aries’ horses War of Will and Anothertwistafate! The conjunction of Venus with Uranus in their Second Solar Houses may spell winning Money for Them!
Improbable is not out of this, because his Moon in Taurus may Receive a Boost from the Venus-Uranus conjunction!
Thus I am taking Bodexpress to Win, War of Will and Anothertwistafate for Second and Third, and Improbable for Fourth!
Remember, this is just for Fun! On no account am I counseling you to gamble or saying that you will win with these predictions!
If you do bet, please never bet more than $8 to $10 a day — less if you cannot afford it!
Just have fun!
Yours in Good Fortune,
Lucky Star