What it is . . what you receive
Your "Luck Cycle Trends" analyzes your annual, underlying “luck cycle." If you are a:
"Your Luck Cycle Trends" was developed for you!
Or, if you want to know the general background of your financial and speculative luck, "Your Luck Cycle Trends" is for you!
"Your Luck Cycle Trends" shows the "background" luck underlying "Your Lucky Times" for the annual period you specify. Rather than pinpointing specific lucky days, the analysis displays the foundation supporting your general luck for weeks and months at a time. This analysis is the first part of what it takes to develop the more detailed, daily "Your Lucky Times" Report.
Once you see that your background luck is quite good, you might want to go on and get the day-by-day "Your Lucky Times" Report!
"Your Luck Cycle Trends" gives you a graph for the year or the annual period you specify. It shows the Four Underlying Luck Factors. They are ranked Supremely Lucky, Very Lucky, Pretty Lucky, and Slightly Lucky:
Sample "Your Luck Cycle Trends" Graph for Customer Q.E.D.
The graph displays:
The accompanying analysis explains that the 4-Star Luck Factor and only needs to be at:
The 3-Star Luck Factor needs to be at:
The other Underlying Luck Factors need to be at 90% or above to be any kind of Lucky Time.
"Your Luck Cycle Trends" gives the exact dates when your Underlying Luck begins and ends for each level of Luck -- Supremely, Very, Pretty, and Slightly. "Your Luck Cycle Trends" Analysis enables you to see the strength of Your Luck Background. It allows you to make better decisions about how bold you can be in betting and speculation or financial affairs.